Who we are

Being Seen, Being Heard is a group of people with and without learning difficulties and/or autism. We used to be called the Schools Project. We give talks and workshops at primary and secondary schools. We talk about our experiences and help children and young people to understand what people with learning difficulties are like.

"My biggest achievement is being more confident in talking to the children and teachers about my experience of school. I've got ADHD and when the teachers ask how I cope with it I say I feel like a normal person without a disability" - Simon

What we do

We provide free presentations and workshops to primary and secondary schools. These support schools with their work to promote inclusion and respectful citizenship.  We work in a positive way to challenge negative attitudes about disability.  We also work with children to explore the ways they can use the world's resources, including people.

"I was born with brain damage. For me, when information goes in, instead of staying in it goes straight out. If I don't know a place I feel panicky. But I don't feel any different as I've had it since birth. I'm just like any body else. Getting good feedback and invited back to schools is a great achievement." - Emma

If you would like to find out more about how we can work with your school contact us

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